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Control mai strict al armelor în Europa?Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?Traim timpuri tampite rau de tot. Acum doua zile se dadea pe toate canalele media stirea ca marile orase europene sunt in plina manifestatie, locuitorii cerand primirea migrantilor si acordarea de drepturi fata de migrantii musulmani, asta pe fondul incheierii acordului UE-Turcia, prin care s-a cazut de acord asupra limitarii fenomenului migrational.. Astazi musulmanii le-au tras-o din nou europenilor, facandu-i terci cu bombele lor artizanale. Ca represalii conducatorii Europei vor inasprii si mai mult conditiile privind detinerea armelor de foc, conditii ce vor fi suportate bineinteles de cetatenii de rand, aia care tipau si se maimutareau in strada in urma cu cateva zile cerand deschiderea portilor pentru migranti, atentatorii oricum nefiind afectati de aberatiile legislative in domeniul armelor de foc.
Sa o iei razna nu alta. Eu unul cred cu convingere ca avem de-a face cu o epidemie de prostie si manipulare colectiva, raspandita la nivelul intregului continent. Dupa conflictele de orgoliu antebelice, intre diferitele puteri europene, dupa cele doua conflicte mondiale ce au facut praf societatea europeana, acum incercam sa ne autodistrugem din nou, acceptand magaria creata de asa zisul fenomen de migratie, ce se manifesta clar prin vointa liderilor si societatii europene. UE a ajuns dintr-o speranta colectiva, intr-o deziluzie colectiva. Dacii aveau cultul morților, comuniștii au avut moartea culților, iar astăzi avem cultul hoților.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?Pe scurt: intr-o discutie de saptamana trecuta la UE, in plen, despre subiectul ce ne doare, la critica ridicata vis-a-vis de imposibilitatea constitutionala europeana de a confisca atata amar de arme precum si la costurile despagubirilor, o parlamentara din Italia a gasit solutia intr-o chichita legislativa - desi interzicerea ce o vor nu se incadreaza in categoriile prevazute pentru care ar putea interveni "nationalizarea", se pare ca exista in legi posibilitatea unei "masuri temporare" si care nu necesita nici cine stie ce acte si nici despagubiri. Asa ca respectiva reprezentanta in marele for a propus sa dea masura "temporar" .... pe veci.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?In Franta e o mare discutie legata de interzicerea vanatorii duminica... noaptea mintii
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?Iar americanii obtin o victorie a carei importanta va fi simtita ani multi de azi inainte: ... amendment/ In an historic, but extremely short unanimous opinion, the United States Supreme Court has confirmed that the Second Amendment applies “to all instruments that constitute bearable arms,”. As this is an enormous class of nearly all weapons, the decision [could be] applied to knives and clubs, and nearly all firearms that have been sold in the United States. Nearly all types of firearms are more common than stun guns. From “But in an unsigned opinion, the U.S. Supreme Court [on 3/21/2016] vacated that ruling. It said the Massachusetts court improperly found that Second Amendment protection applies only to weapons that were in common use at the time of the nation’s founding.” Pe intelesul tuturor, Curtea din Massachusetts decisese cu ceva vreme in urma, intr-o speta privind aparatele cu electro-socuri, ca "al doilea amendament" al Constitutiei USA s-ar aplica numai armelor existente la data adoptarii constitutiei, asadar armele mai moderne ar putea fi interzise. Curtea Suprema a USA decide definitiv ca acest amendament se aplica oricaror arme vechi sau noi ....
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa? ... ms-United/
An update on the proposed EU gun ban The latest GENVAL documents and meetings leave no doubt: the battle is all but over! Whoever thought that the battle for the defense of our rights against the gun grab attempts of the European Commission and other EU institutions would be over − even just partially − after the publication of Vicky Ford's early draft report, would better think again. Yesterday, April 13th, Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, spoke in front of the European Parliament to state that the proposed EU gun ban would be instrumental in preventing further terror attacks on European soil: a blatant lie and yet another evidence of the fact that the European Commission will stop at nothing to disarm the law-abiding citizens of twenty-eight member States. Even worse, the Working Party on General matters, including evaluation (GENVAL) of the European Council − composed by representatives of the Ministries of Justice and Home Affairs of all member Countries − met on Monday, April 11th, to discuss the Commission's proposed gun ban. An update on the proposed EU gun ban The European Commission also keeps pushing for a "swift" passage of the amendment draft in its most restrictive form As we could expect after reading their sickening report of April 1st − so insanely restrictive even if compared with the Commission's original requests that they could have been easily mistaken for an April fool − nothing good could come from the meeting, and as a matter of fact, nothing good came from it. According to our sources, the Belgian representatives at GENVAL would have insisted on a ban on "high volume of fire" or "particularly dangerous" guns − a vague definition that could potentially include every firearm in existence − as well as a ban on all firearms exceeding 12,7mm/0.5" in caliber. As dumb as it sounds, such a wording could imply a ban on most shotguns (12 gauge is 18,53mm in metrics!), as well as on many African big game hunting rifles − think on those chambered in calibers such as .600 or .700 Nitro Express! − not to mention a plethora of muzzleloading firearms and a vast number of single-shot, repeating or revolving cylinder guns chambered in sporting and hunting calibers such as .500 Smith & Wesson Magnum or .500 Linebaugh. An update on the proposed EU gun ban There's so much more at stake than Category B7 modern sporting guns, now! Last − but even more frighteningly so − the Dutch Presidency of the EU, while announcing that GENVAL will finalize its proposal by late May, reportedly stated that "something in the context of semi-automatic firearms MUST BE BANNED!" The European institutions show no intention of refraining or retreating from their gun grab attempts; according to our sources, the European Commission would be absolutely mad at Vicky Ford and disappointed with her draft report − which is definitely not restrictive enough for their tastes − and would thus be doing everything it can to shoot it down and reinstate their own almost full gun ban proposal. According to the sources, a risk exists that the Commission could be planning a desperate attempt to approach the MEPs that oppose the gun ban, one by one, and attempt to change their mind by bribery, blackmail, or threats. That's why Firearms United decided to step in. Fully aware that the gun ban ploy is supported by non-elected institutions of the European Union − namely the Commission and the Council − while the European Parliament, whose members are directly elected by European citizens, strongly opposed it so far, Firearms United decided to launch a campaign to rase awarness and show support towards the MEPs that are opposing the Commission's gun ban plot. An update on the proposed EU gun ban Firearms United is calling all European gun owners to action: the Members of the European Parliament must hear our voices directly and know what side we're on! Firearms United released an open letter, calling on all its supporters to write personally to the Members of the European Parliament elected in each respective Country. The letters or E-Mails − which should be personal, and not carbon copies of pre-existing texts! − should not only be meant to shift the opinion of those MEPs who are yet to take a clear stand in our defense. The true goal is to show MEPs that the European public opinion is overwhelmingly against the gun ban proposal, and that European Citizens are keeping a close eye on things. This would discourage MEPs from giving in to the Commission's sweet-talk or blackmail, and encourage them to resist, knowing that they have full support of the vast majority of European citizens. warmly encourages all readers and followers to answer to the call. It's time to stand and fight all together for our right The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?Parlamentarii europeni trebuie invitati la poligon si invatati sa traga. Daca de 1 din 5 se lipeste placerea sportului e suficient...
Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?
Eu cred ca ar trebui sa li se aduca aminte ca vin alegerile si iubitori de arme sunt multi.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?
Aluia de-i place sa-i oferim tinte pe ailalti 4,sa vezi atunci placerea noi ![]() este in noi
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?Citez Poligon Joita
Daca tot suntem in plina dezamagire cu echipa de gimnastica, nici tirul sportiv nu mai straluceste ca alta data, din pacate. Pentru o evidenta materiala referitor la viitor, in data de 12 Februarie 2016, a fost organizat un meeting ISSF - IOC (International Olympic Committee) pe teme specifice tirului. Concluzia este halucinanta - aceasta editie poate fi ultima pentru probele de pusca culcat si dublu trap. Nici proba de 50 m liber nu o mai duce mult se pare. Dupa eliminarea succesiva din editiile trecute ale JO a mai multor specialitati de tir sportiv, sabotarea fatisa a transmisiunilor live si inregistrate de evenimentele olimpice sau internationale de tir, mai vine una grea - IOC insista cu pseudo-armele ce utilizeaza LASER in loc de munitie reala. Pana cum, ISSF a justificat mentinerea aerului comprimat si a munitiei de foc prin insuficienta dezvoltare a mijloacelor laser si lipsa de apetit a producatorilor de echipament specific. Cat o sa mai tina argumentul va las pe voi sa judecati. Cititi articolul atasat pentru o imagine mai clara asupra situatiei mondiale a sportului cu arme de foc in viziunea unor factori de decizie mondiali, entitati vizibil ostile utilizarii armelor in scop sportiv uitand de buna seama ca "darea la semn", alaturi de atletism este printre cele mai vechi probe olimpice, probe pe care s-a construit actualul interes fata dei uriasa masinarie financiara numita Jocurile Olimpice. Stiati ca Romania, pentru prima data in 60 (!!!) de ani, nu are reprezentant la tir pentru JO 2016 Rio? Dupa ce, editia trecuta a furnizat prima medalie olimpica de aur prin Alin Moldoveanu. A zis cineva ceva? Un rand pe o pagina, o fraza la tv? Traditia cu vreo 20 de ani mai indelungata comparativ cu gimnastica sportiva nu intereseaza pe nimeni chiar daca PRIMA MEDALIE OLIMPICA DE AUR din istoria Romaniei la JO a fost castigata de Iosif Sarbu - proba pusca. PACAT! ... =3&theater The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?Noua Ana Pauker din Uniunea Europeana: " Hunting, sport shooting and collecting are not justified reasons for civilians to posses firearms. Only the state should own firearms" ... _home.html. Chiar seamana... ![]() ![]() The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?Si uite pe unde a activat:
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?Oare unde-i doare pe elvetieni de asa ceva?
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?Next step of the international anti-gun front: remove all shooting disciplines from the Olympics so that there is no longer any "sport shooting" as a "valid reason" for civilians to own firearms. ... -olympics/ The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?Ne intoarcem cu pasi mari spre Cortina de Fier, doar ca aceasta cortina va cade peste toata Europa si ma tem ca va tine mai mult de jumatate de secol.
![]() Dacii aveau cultul morților, comuniștii au avut moartea culților, iar astăzi avem cultul hoților.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?
To protect public from criminals, legal firearms owners must be screwed as much as possible, says EESC Well, not exactly, but that's a short summary of European Economic and Social Committee. Not only the Commission stupid and draconic proposal is hailed as “significant improvement”, but the EESC urges to go further: - it demands marking of not just firearms, but also of each bullet - it demands forced buybacks like in UK and Australia, reasoning that firearms murders fell after buyback (and failing to mention that firearms murders were falling even faster before buyback). Of course, forced buyback can target only registered weapons, while unregistered firearms in hands of criminals stay unaffected. - 3D printing. Since they don't understand it at all, they propose nothing, beside claim that “nations must come together and discuss this issue”. It must be hard for bureaucrat to find something that he hates but cannot simply ban it. - They support mandatory medical testing of physical and mental fitness – with requirements set by EU, of course – and repeated mandatory training and safe storage, set no doubt by the same. For those who know composition of study group, the result is outrageous, but hardly surprising. Six of seven members are unelected bureaucrats with no knowledge about firearms at all, mostly appointed by governments of anti-gun countries like France, Italy and Portugal. Seventh is Marta Sofia Moreira Da Costa, an “expert” also from Portugal, about whose expertise we couldn't find any information, and our repeated requests about her CV were ignored. As such, the only clue to her expertise level is report of the study group, which for example claimed that “In fact, legally obtained weapons have been used to commit over 63 000 homicides in the European Union over the last 10 years”, until we sent them notice that this is actually more that TOTAL number of murders during that time. After reading this, you may feel urge to sit and write something stern to these people. Don't. First, this “study” is only advisory position for IMCO committee, which is decision-maker, and MEPs in IMCO look like reasonable people with common sense. Second, it's pointless. You cannot change opinion of those people, for their minds are already set: you have gun, that makes you bad, and everything they demand to be done unto you is justified by that. They are not elected, therefore have no motive to listen to mere citizen. If you allow yourself to be provoked into anything rude, most probable result shall be that they take it and use it as evidence that you are aggressive and dangerous – and surely shouldn't be allowed to have gun. So take this just as information. Decisions are made in European Parliament and European Council; that's where our attention must be now. Firearms United The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?Unii se pregatesc sarguincios ... r-germany/ The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?,,Chiar dacă nu s-a dovedit că există o relație directă între numărul de arme aflate în circulație și numărul de delicte, probabilitatea statistică de comitere a crimelor, de producere a accidentelor și de ajungere a armelor în mâini criminale ar putea fi redusă prin reducerea numărului de arme.''
![]() ![]() ![]() ,,Evenimentele tragice din ultimul timp au făcut să se precipite dezbaterea privind comercializarea și utilizarea armelor. '' Eu credeam ca doar autoritatile din Romania isi ia cetatenii de prosti, insa vad ca Uniunea nu este nici ea prea departe. In loc sa isi asume responsabilitatea si sa spuna pe fata ca isi vrea cetatenii dezarmati, o da de gard, de parca araboii ar avea vreo treaba cu inasprirea legii in domeniu. ![]() ,,Clarificările propuse în momentul de față îmbunătățesc semnificativ directiva anterioară și, ca atare, sunt primite favorabil de CESE.[b] Prezentele propuneri nu au ca scop interzicerea armelor de foc, ci armonizarea normelor aplicate în ceea ce privește achiziționarea și deținerea de arme pe parcursul întregului ciclu de viață al acestora, precum și reglementarea pieței și garantarea siguranței.,,[/b] Corect, asa este, propunerile nu au ca scop interzicerea directa a armelor de foc, ci au ca scop deschiderea ulterioara a acestui proces. Pas cu pas cum ar spune presedintele nostru, asta pana la obiectivul final. ,,Cazul Australiei este paradigmatic în ceea ce privește controlul armelor. După ce un bărbat a intrat într-o cafenea, a asasinat 35 de persoane și a rănit alte 23 cu două arme, Australia a inițiat, în 1997, una dintre cele mai importante reforme din istorie în ceea ce privește normele ...'' S-a intamplat acest deaoarece legea era si asa tampita si restrictiva, astfel ca saracii oameni nu au avut nicio arma la indemana pentru a se apara. Au fost precum mieii la sacrificare. Ceea ce au facut australienii a fost sa puna cutitul in mana calaului, lasandu-i pe oamenii de rand si mai expusi in fata dementilor. Halal exemplu. Tot inainte tovarasi, spiritul bolsevismului renaste in Marea Europa Unita. Dacii aveau cultul morților, comuniștii au avut moartea culților, iar astăzi avem cultul hoților.
Re: Control mai strict a armelor în Europa?The golden rule of history is those with the weapons make the rules.
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