Am sa vorbesc cu altcineva sa vad exact despre ce este vorba ( cu inginerul care stie exact).
PS. A aparut la live cam si la porumbari

Live Bird CamModeratori: Ghinda, goshawkrst, Peregrinus, Sly_Fox
114 mesaje • Pagina 3 din 4 • 1, 2, 3, 4
Re: Live Bird CamPana la urma este o rezervatie dar nu pt rapitoare ci pt speciile de pasari care cuibaresc in zona respectiva, este un loc de cuibarit si la fel este voie inca pescuitul
Am sa vorbesc cu altcineva sa vad exact despre ce este vorba ( cu inginerul care stie exact). PS. A aparut la live cam si la porumbari ![]()
Re: Live Bird CamO.K - asteptam raspunsul !
Re: Live Bird CamSoimii calatori au puii
Re: Live Bird CamSacrii au primul pui
Re: Live Bird CamAm vazut la sacri 2 pui si inca 2 doua din care unul parea sa eclozeze chiar atunci. Am vazut si femela aducind o prada, o pasare destul de mare, posibil o femela de fazan sau o potirniche. Nu mi-am dat prea bine seama ce prada era pentru ca nu a adus-o intreaga, era cam "flendurita"...
Alin - SV "Ca ale Mele sint toate fiarele pamintului,..." Psalmul 49:11
Re: Live Bird CamBuna ,
s-ar parea ca Soimii calatori urmariti pe camera web i-au cam depasit pe dunarenii din Ungaria , nu stiu , dar eu cred ca este posibil ca cele doua oua sa fi fost nefecundate ... mai asteptam o zi - doua , sa vedem ce se intimpla . Andrei .
Re: Live Bird CamBuna
Am filmat si eu la tara un cuib de sorecar care il monitorizez de 5-6 ani. Ce ziceti au iesit pui? Numai bine Paul
Re: Live Bird CamBuna ,
cu dunarenii din Ungaria ( camera web ) este asa precum am constatat mai inainte , doua oua sint nefecundate . Cauzele pot fi multiple , in acest sens in Ungaria s-a facut un studiu comparativ intre rezultatele obinute de perechi de dunareni care cuibaresc in pomi si cei care cuibaresc pe stilpii de inalta tensiune , cititi si trageti fiecare concluziile de rigoare : Hatching success in Saker Falcon nests at artificial and natural sites on trees and electricity pylons in Hungary István Balázs (Balu) Summary The primary aim of this investigation was to examine the incidence of unhatched eggs in Saker Falcon clutches at artificial and natural nests situated on trees and electricity pylons in Hungary. Significantly more clutches laid in artificial nest sites contained at least one unhatched egg than those laid in natural nests. The failure of eggs to hatch is likely to be due to infertility and differences in embryo mortality in clutches laid in artificial and natural nests. Potential reasons for this difference in embryo mortality are discussed but further research is required to determine the exact causes. Introduction Pylons of high voltage electricity transmission lines have been equipped with artificial nests (platforms) in Hungary as well as in different countries in Europe and Asia. The construction materials and design have changed in the last 15-20 years, but the aim of these constructions, to improve brood survival, have not changed. The first platforms were made of wood and most were ‘open’ tray-type platforms. The next generation of artificial nests was made from aluminium, and more recently these have been adapted so that two sides are ‘sheltered’ to give more protection against wind and rain (Photo 1). The nest-scrape substrates of the platforms are typically 15 cm deep gravel. Sakers utilize artificial nests erected on trees as well as pylons for nesting and will also use natural nests at these sites too. Most of the natural nests used by Sakers in Hungary are built by Common Buzzard (Photo 2), Ravens, Imperial Eagles, Carrion Crows and some by White-tailed Eagle. (Bagyura et al., 2009). Methods and Results I have complied data from 281 Saker clutches laid over a four-year period in 2007-10 in Hungary. These clutches were laid in artificial nests and natural nests situated on electricity pylons and trees. Data used in this study has originated from three different regions of Hugary: Hortobágy National Park (eastern Hungary), FertőHanság National Park (western Hungary) and Kiskunság National Park (central Hungary). I have not analysed the data on a regional basis. Photo 3. Unhatched Saker Falcon eggs collected from artificial nests on electricity pylons (I. Balázs) Overall, 94 (33%) of nests contained at least one unhatched egg when the nests were inspected at the chick stage. There was no detectable difference in the number of nests with unhatched eggs in natural nests that were situated on electricity pylons and trees (Photo 3). Only one clutch laid in a natural nest contained at least one unhatched egg i.e., 3.4%. Unhatched eggs were primarily associated with clutches laid in artificial nests, with 37% of artificial nests containing at least one unhatched egg (79 of 252 nests). This difference between artificial and natural nests was highly significant (χ2 = 11.62, 2df, P <0.001). Furthermore, location of artificial nests was also related to the frequency of nests containing unhatched eggs, with significantly more artificial nests situated on electricity pylons containing unhatched eggs than those situated on trees . In 33 nests none of the eggs hatched (accounting for 39% of clutches with at least one unhatched egg). The whole clutch failed to hatch at 15% (N= 29) of artificial nests in pylons compared with 5% (N = 4) of artificial nests in trees. However, examining only those nests that failed to hatch at least one egg, there was no significant difference in the proportion of whole clutch failures at artificial nests in electricity pylons and trees (Table 2). Whole clutch failures may be a consequence of adult infertility, suggesting that infertility was not the main cause of the difference between hatching success at artificial nests in pylons and trees. On pylons, 14 of the whole failure clutches were in the new ‘sheltered’ artificial nests and 15 were on the older ‘open’ artificial nests. Discussion When comparing the frequency of unhatched eggs at nests in artificial and natural nest sites, I have used data from nest visits that were made after the incubation period when the eggs should have already hatched. Consequently, the observed differences may have resulted from differences in the likelihood of eggs being removed from the nests i.e., unhatched eggs are more likely to be removed from natural nests than artificial nests. However, total nest contents (i.e., eggs and chicks) were similar at artificial nests and natural nests (average 2.9 eggs/chicks per nest), suggesting that unhatched eggs are not more likely to be removed from natural nests than artificial nests. The likely potential predators of unhatched eggs are Beech Marten (tree nests mainly) and Carrion Crow (pylon and tree nests). These predators would probably predate the whole brood, including small nestlings, if they had access to the contents of Saker Falcon nests Unhatched eggs in active Saker Falcon nests can result from (i) infertility or (ii) embryo mortality. It can be difficult to distinguish between these two causes in the field and I have made no attempt to determine which of these factors was responsible for the failure of eggs to hatch in this study. However, it is difficult to envisage how infertility could be associated with nest site choice. There were more whole clutch failures at artificial nests on pylons than in trees (15% cf. 5% of clutches laid), but it should be borne in mind that there were many more clutches that included eggs that failed to hatch on pylons than in trees (44% cf. 19% of nests). Controlling for this difference, I found no significant difference in the proportion of whole clutch failures at pylons and trees, so the most likely explanation is that embryo mortality is the main reason for the difference in hatching success in this study. Embryo mortality is strongly influenced by the environmental conditions experienced by the egg during after it has been laid and during incubation. The principal contributory factors to embryo mortality during incubation are: deviations from the optimal incubation temperature, excessive water loss and bacterial infection. It is possible that eggs in artificial nests are more likely to get chilled than those in natural nests, perhaps because the nest scrape drains water less freely or they are more exposed to wind and rain than natural nests. My finding that artificial nests on electricity pylons are more likely to contain unhatched eggs than those on tree nests suggests that exposure may be a significant factor, as artificial nests on pylons are normally in higher and more exposed locations than those on trees. Furthermore, it is possible that clutches in nests on electricity pylons are affected by electromagnetic fields (Fernie & Reynolds, 2005), as many adult Sakers spend a large proportion of their lifetime perched close to high voltage electricity wires. However, it is difficult to see why exposure to electromagnetic fields should be different for Sakers occupying artificial and natural nest sites on pylons. It will be necessary to conduct further research to discover the mechanism as to why eggs in artificial nests are less likely to hatch than those laid in natural nests. Acknowledgements I appreciate the work of all the people who took part the Saker Falcon conservation efforts in Hungary, especially those who helped in this investigation: Miklós Váczi, Gábor Tihanyi, Csaba Pignicki. Also thanks to the people who gave advice on the issue: Miklós Dudás, Imre Tóth, András Vasas, Tamás Szitta, Tamás Zalai, János Bagyura, Mátyás Prommer, András Kleszó and my Parents who have aided this theoretical investigation with their fund! References: Bagyura J., Fidlóczky J., Szitta T., Prommer M., Tihanyi G., Zalai T., Balázs I., Váczi M., Viszló L., Klébert A., Haraszthy L., Tóth I., Török H., Demeter I., Serfőző J., Pigniczki Cs. and Kazi R. 2009. Annual report of the Saker Falcon Working Group. Heliaca 7: 24-33. Fernie, K, S and Reynolds, S. J. 2005. The effects of electromagnetic fields from power lines on avian reproductive biology and physiology: a review. J. Toxicology & Env. Health B. 8: 127- 140. Andrei .
Re: Live Bird CamBuna ,
noutati nesesizate de majoritatea acelora care urmaresc camera web de la Soimii dunareni din Ungaria ,pe 25.04.2012 un pui din cei doi a cazut din cuib , l-au gasit bineinteles mort jos pe aratura de sub stilpul de inalta tensiune , cititi aici mai departe : Drama in Sakers' life Szerző: Saker LIFE // Dátum: Thu, 04/26/2012 - 00:00 Happenings at the nest followed quickly on 25th April. The second chick hatched at dawn. We received comments that the third egg was cracked and the chicks was on the way out, however the recorded sequences did not confirm that. We saw the cracks on the egg, but we did not see the third chicks in the nest. The first news arrived at morning 7.40 on 26th April that the female, while having a break in the incubation, swept one chick out of the nest with her legs. After receiving the news, János and Éva Bagyura from MME/BirdLife Hungary, József Fidlóczky LIFE project manager and György Bíró, chief environmental expert of MAVIR left for the area. As the information was about a chick fallen out of the nest, the search was carried out in an 50-metre circle around the nest – hoping that the chick made a lucky 'touchdown' and it is still alive. The search was unsuccessful. Neither the chick, nor any sign of its whereabouts was found in the immediate vicinity of the nest. After the unsuccessful search in MAVIR's local office we analysed the sequence on the incident. It turned out that the chick was not 'swept out' and nor it was caught in the female's leg. In an unusual way that has been never recorded, the sequence shows that the chicks was 'glued' with its feathers to the female's feathers and it was hanging from there. It is likely that a piece of wet part of the prey got on the back of the chick and that, or the faeces glued the birds together, when previously the female was incubating through more than an hour. The female did not notice the chick hanging on her (or she was not able to react properly), and flew off the nest with it. We came to the conclusion that the male brought prey, which he may have left on their usual feeding site. (Last time we found a site where they use to eat the prey about 200 metres away from the nest.) The female flew off on the side of the camera. We saw on the sequence that she did not notice the chick glued to her, when she flew off. During the flight the chick was probably fell off on the ground. After watching the sequence, we returned to the pylon and each of us started to search a given part of the area. The fact that the area is freshly sowed and harrowed helped the searched; even smaller white patches could be seen from far on the nicely smoothed field. Lack of vegetation, however, lessened the chances for survival for the chick. Finally, we have found the dead chick about 160 metres away from the pylon on the side of the camera. The dead chick probably remained yet unnoticed by the Ravens and therefore they did not eat by that time. Examining the chick, it became clear that it was healthy, and it was probably the older (and stronger) chick that did not survive the dive. This regrettable incident – which is part of life – caused sad moments not only for ornithologists, but also to those more than one thousand viewers. At the same time, we were able to learn about a new risk factor that has not yet been recorded. We received the news minutes after the unsuccessful rescue action that another, apparently healthy, chick hatched from the egg. So, we can study the life of two small birds again – hopefully until they fledge. de György Bíró Andrei .
Re: Live Bird CamBuna Andrei,
Eu nu mai urmaresc zilnic din cauza ca nu mai am timp, intru numai pe forum si cateva secunde pe site si gata. Orcum eu stiu ca aveau mai multe oua, am numarat 6 si au numai 2 pui. Porumbarii au 4 pui frumosi si codalbul american 3 pui ca zidul ![]()
Re: Live Bird CamSi totusi sint 2 pui in cuibul sacrilor de pe stilp!...
Alin - SV "Ca ale Mele sint toate fiarele pamintului,..." Psalmul 49:11
Re: Live Bird CamBuna Alin ,
cel cazut a fost inlocuit cu alt pui din alt cuib . Andrei .
Re: Live Bird CamMarti am montat si eu un cuib pt.vinderei,sper ca o sa fie ocupata cat de curand.
Re: Live Bird CamBuna Alin ,
iti urez mult noroc ,astfel ca cuibul montat sa fie ocupat cit mai curind de o pereche de vindereii si nu numai ! Unde l-ai montat ? Poti sa ne trimiti si cite-va fotografii cu acesta , in speta - cuib , locatia cuibului etc. este pe stilp , pe cladire ? Andrei .
Re: Live Bird CamBuna Alin ,
pentru a-ti demonstra si a te incuraja in acelasi timp atit pe tine precum si pe viitorii interesenti ca este posibila promovarea inmultirii pasarilor de prada si prin intermediul cuiburilor artificiale montate in diferite locuri inalte , postez cite-va fotografii cu noua pereche de Soimi calatori care si-a ales domiciliul in cuibul artificial montat de noi in toamna anului trecut in turnul unei biserici la aprox. 75m inaltime. Mentionez insa ca in perioada montarii cuibului artificial , femela se afla deja in zona urmind ( fara un loc stabil , pendulind prin zona de pe o cladire pe alta in functie de necesitati ) sa-si mai gaseasca doar perechea , fapt care s-a si intimplat in primavara asta , in urma cu 2-3 saptamini ! Primele fotografii cu - Romeo si Julieta : Julieta : ![]() ![]() Romeo neincrezator la prima vizita a cuibului din turn: ![]() Romeo unic stapin pe terasa cuibului artificial : ![]() Alte fotografii vor urma ! Andrei . P.S - daca exista interes putem deschide si un topic special pe aceasta tema .
Re: Live Bird CamBuna Andrei,
Se poate deschide un topoic, fain ar fi sa faci un jurnal cu perechea, cu poze, poate potis a pozezi puii cand sunt mai mari si cand ii inelati, etc. Si eu cu ajutorul ( Alex) am montat un cuib, intr-un pin. Sa vedem la vara.
Re: Live Bird CamFoarte faini calatorii.
Andrei in Germania din cate perechi sunt, exista mai multe subspecii??
Re: Live Bird CamBuna George ,
sa vedem poate deschidem un topic pe aceasta tema mai tirziu cind o sa am poza mai multe si eventual mai clare. In Germania cuibareste doar specia de peregrin care este prezenta si in tara . Andrei .
Re: Live Bird CamBuna Andrei!
Am montat cuibul pe o sonda inalta nefolosita in mijlocul campului,Dorin si George cunosc locul. In zilele ce urmeaza, numai sa am timp, mai vreau sa montez unul pe un slap pe care o sa il pot observa chiar din fata casei mele.In zona sunt multi vinderei . Am sa fac si poze pe care o sa le postez.
Re: Live Bird CamBuna Aline ,
asteptam pozele ! Daca zona aleasa este buna si sint si vinderei pe acolo ai sanse mari sa fie ocupate cuiburile artificiale cit de curind ! Ai Soimul rindunelelor in zona ta ,daca da si acesta poate fi ajutat prin montarea de cuiburi artificiale ( cosulete cu crengute legate si prinse sa semene cit de cit cu cuibul de cioara ) montate pe pomi inalti ca de exemplu stejar sau chiar si plop ! Andrei .
Re: Live Bird CamBuna!
Acum cateva zile , am gasit un cuib de sorecar la nici 20 de m de un cartier rezidential din zona Clujului. Problema este ca zona este foarte foarte circulata , fiind o zona de agrement si mi tare frica ca acest cuib nu o sa reziste prea mult ... ![]() Ceva sfaturi , cum am putea proteja cuiburile de tarani? ca sa-ti dai seama ca esti prost trebuie sa-ti mearga mintea!
Re: Live Bird CamBuna Sapsiluap ,
sansele sint foarte reduse mai ales daca acesta se gaseste intr-o zona de agrement , pentru un raspuns as avea insa nevoie de cite-va informatii : pe ce pom este cuibul , la ce inaltime este acesta si daca exista multe crengi pina la cuib ? In functie de aceste raspunsuri , as putea sa-ti ofer cite-va solutii , sper eu viabile pentru perechea in cauza . Andrei .
Re: Live Bird CamCuibul este intr-un stejar cam la 15 m de sol , sub cuib exista maxim 3-4 crangi pe tulipna stejarului.
ca sa-ti dai seama ca esti prost trebuie sa-ti mearga mintea!
Re: Live Bird CamSi inca o problema , padurea este foarte rara si cuibul , cel putin pana infloresc pomii, este foarte usor descoperit .
ca sa-ti dai seama ca esti prost trebuie sa-ti mearga mintea!
Re: Live Bird CamBuna sapsiluap ,
da, cam incurcata treaba in cazul acesta . Pentru solutionarea cazului nu vad decit urmatoarele solutii viabile : 1- fiind unele crengi pina la cuib nu mai are sens montarea unei zgarzi metalice de protectie temporare a cuibului , deci solutia asta cade de la sine ! 2 - mutarea oualor si depunerea acestora in alte cuiburi de sorecar , cite unul in fiecare cuib ( ??? ) 3 - mutarea puilor si depunerea acestora in alte cuiburi de sorecar , cite unul in fiecare cuib ( ??? ) 4 - eclozarea oualor in incubator , cresterea puilor cu mina si eliberarea prin metoda hacking - problema => cine cunoaste in tara metodologia eclozarii oualor de pasare de prada prin intermediul incubatorului ! 5 - eclozarea oualor sub o closca ( gaina ) de rasa mica , cresterea puilor cu mina si eliberarea acestora prin metoda hacking. 6 - cresterea puilor cu mina ( nu prin metoda imprintarii ) si eliberarea ulterioara a acestora prin metoda hacking. Cunosti alte cuiburi de sorecar ocupate in zona , relativ usor accesibile , 3 - 4 la numar ? Andrei .
Re: Live Bird CamNu , in zona accea nu cunosc .
E greu si e si o responsabilitate mare sa cresti 4-5 pui ... ca sa-ti dai seama ca esti prost trebuie sa-ti mearga mintea!
Re: Live Bird CamBuna sapsiluap ,
ce distanta ( aproximativ ) este intre ultima crenga si cuib ? Nu poti posta o fotografie a pomului cu cuib si una cu locatia de ansamblu in care este situat pomul cu cuib ? Andrei .
Re: Live Bird CamMaxim 1,5-2 m ! Cuibul nu e usor accesibil.., adica nu oricine se poate urca in el , dar taranul tot taran ramane...
Azi incerc sa pun o poza cu cuibul. ca sa-ti dai seama ca esti prost trebuie sa-ti mearga mintea!
114 mesaje • Pagina 3 din 4 • 1, 2, 3, 4
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