Vand cartile: Blood Lessons (200 lei), Before Conflict (100 lei), Gun Digest 2013 (100 lei) si Auto Control (60 lei). Pretul la pachet este de 400 lei. Cartile sunt noi iar preturile nu sunt discutabile. Contact: sau 0740.202.116.
1. Blood Lessons scrisa de lectorul FBI Charles Remsberg: "Ceea ce politistii au invatat din misuinile soldate cu confruntari letale. Pretul este 200 lei. With gripping re-creations, law enforcement's most popular writer on survival tactics takes you inside more than 20 unforgettable confrontations where officers' lives are on the line. How do the threatened officers meet the challenges suddenly thrust upon them when a normal shift or a tranquil off-duty moment turns in a flash into a fight for life? What "blood lessons" do they learn from their ordeals that will help you survive? Here is police work in his rawest, deadliest form. Ask yourself: "What would I do?" This Book is Exclusive to the Law Enforcement Community.
2. Before Conflict scrisa de Jhon D Byrnes, despre managementul si gestionarea cu success a conflictelor interpersonale. In Before Conflict: Preventing Aggressive Behavior, John Byrnes gets to the heart of the concept of aggression prevention. Rather than look strictly at violence and all its implications_fatalities, crime, and assault_Byrnes instead chooses to look ahead, in order to prevent violence rather than simply to act in reaction to it. By using a unique methodology of 'Aggression Management,' those responsible for the safety of others may circumvent the standard practice of mere 'conflict resolution' by dealing with the problem before it creates conflict. Because everyone experiences and manages anger differently, 'Aggression Management' teaches readers not only how to measure their own aggression, but that of others as well. The result empowers the reader to stop problems before they even develop. This book is recommended for anyone responsible for the safety of others.
3. Auto Control: Tehnici şi tactici de conducere defensivă şi sportivă. Entuziasmul cu care aceasta carte a fost primita de catre cititori si presa ne-a demonstrat nu doar interesul general in legatura cu principiile conducerii defensive, ci si faptul ca lucrarea este accesibila, usor de parcurs, si foarte practica. Cartea este pe intelesul tuturor si se adreseaza tuturor celor care conduc automobile si doresc sa faca acest lucru in conditii de maxima siguranta, economic, ecologic, dar si eficient. Lucrarea de fata trateaza toate subiectele generale si particulare ale artei conducerii automobilului: de la postura corecta la volan, circulatia corecta a mainilor pe volan, miscarea picioarelor pe pedale, pana la chestiuni ”de nuanta”, cum sunt: comportamentul si temperamentul autovehiculelor, descompunerea dinamica a virajelor, traiectoriile corecte, controlul derapajului sau tehnicile de abordare eficienta a virajelor. Componenta practica este asigurata de prezenta, la sfarsitul lucrarii, a unor serii de exercitii, usor de exersat intr-un poligon auto, recomandate pentru intelegerea, insusirea si aplicarea corecta a tehnicilor prezentate pe parcurs.
4. Gun Digest 2013. Are 600 de pagini despre arme, munitie, autoaparare si vanatoare. The World's Greatest Gun Book is Here Again! Our 2013 edition, our 67th Edition, is nothing less, as we continue the tradition of bringing you more of everything that firearms fanatics crave! In-depth articles about the world's most fascinating guns, testfire reports on the latest models, insights about fine collectibles and one-of-a-kind custom creations, and round-ups of what's new in firearms, ammo, reloading and optics from today's leading manufacturers - you simply won't find a more comprehensive collection of firearms information. Whether you're interested in the latest tactical firearms or want to learn more about firearms or want to learn more about firearms history - or anything else related to guns and shooting - you'll find it in Gun Digest 2013.
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