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Ferlach cal 16

Anunturi de Vanzari-cumparari pentru orice tip de arma

Moderator: the_mav

Ferlach cal 16

Mesajde Ionica M pe 14 Oct 2015, 10:59

Se vinde arma de vanatoare lisa cu tevi juxtapuse marca Ferlach, calibrul 16, in conditii foarte bune. Pretul este de 1000 Euro
Pentru mai multe informatii sunati la numarul de telefon 074274xxxx
Ionica M
Membru important
Mesaje: 196
Membru din: 08 Ian 2008, 14:16
Locaţie: Pincota

Re: Ferlach cal 16

Mesajde violiv pe 14 Oct 2015, 17:02

Daca nu ma inseala privirea, armurierul sau atelierul ce a produs-o si care s-a "semnat" pe sina armei este CARL FERDINAND GOLUCH, din Linz, Austria ... sruestung/

"some info on Karl Goluch of Linz. I'm still perplexed why his wares are held in such high regard. Anyway, the Goluch family moved from Skotschau (Schlesien) to Linz at some point in the latter part of the 19th century and a son, Karl Franz Goluch and his wife Maria hung out a weapons making shingle in 1896 at Herrenstraße 27. Between the Wars, the concern moved to Herrnstraße 40 but when they began to outgrow it, a portion of it was destroyed during WWII. It would seem that Karl Franz's son Carl Ferdinand Goluch was at the helm. After WWII, a new facility was constructed at Herrenstraße 50 and shortly thereafter there was another changing of the guard with sons Karl & Fritz Goluch being handed the reins. In 1963 an apprentice named Rudolf Schmid was taken under the wing of the company and he completed his studies there. Then in 1972 Rudolf Schmid married Helen Mary Goluch and they founded another business in 1974. Seems there was some consolidation straightaway and Rudolf Schmid carried the ball forward. A bit difficult to tell"

Poarta sigla "Ferlach" pentru ca si la data cand a fost facuta si acum, toate armele trec pentru testele finale pe la bancul de probe din Ferlach, acesta fiind de fapt un orasel austriac, centrul armurierilor de pe plaiurile alea de aproximativ 600 ani, asa cum este si Suhl sau Gardone val Trompia sau St. Etienne sau Tula, etc.

O arma in cea mai buna traditie a armurierilor austrieci, cu tevi din otel Blitz, ejectoare, etc...

Fie vorba intre noi, ai cam subapreciat-o ... puteai sa ceri mai mult linistit ....
Mesaje: 8683
Membru din: 18 Iul 2006, 10:11
Locaţie: Constanta

Re: Ferlach cal 16

Mesajde yoghi pe 18 Oct 2015, 00:08

pozele sunt NEclare si ...cum arata tevile pe interior??
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Mesaje: 3828
Membru din: 08 Noi 2006, 21:25
Locaţie: Romania

Re: Ferlach cal 16

Mesajde Ionica M pe 22 Oct 2015, 09:08

Se poate sterge!
Ionica M
Membru important
Mesaje: 196
Membru din: 08 Ian 2008, 14:16
Locaţie: Pincota

Înapoi la Vanzari- cumparari arme lise si ghintuite, de tir si cu AC

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